UNITEST Engine Simulator
Poseidon has for several years been partnering with Unitest Marine Simulators Ltd, based in Gdynia, Poland. Unitest staff are experts from Gdynia Maritime Academy and Polish Navy Academy. Unitest is the world leader in application of virtual reality techniques in marine engine room simulators and 3D virtualization has been implemented in several of the simulator products.
Wide Range of Applications
The products comply with the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch-keeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended in 1995. Certificate of Compliance was issued by Polish Register of Shipping in Gdansk, Poland.
We offer a wide range of products ranging from stand alone CBT training programs via networked software simulators to full mission simulators with hardware control panels and indicators.
Hardware simulators
- Full Mission – Touchscreen
- Full Mission
- Single Console
- High Voltage Breaker
Software simulators
- Medium Speed Diesel
- Low Speed Diesel
- Diesel Electric
- Steam Turbine
- Gas Turbine
- Diagnostic Simulator